SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Moving in a Livable Region (MLR) is a growing consortium based in the Metro Vancouver region of British Columbia that aims to build a more resilient, equitable, economically strong, and healthy region.
We are currently comprised of the Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation, TransLink, Metro Vancouver Regional District, provincial and municipal government representatives, environment focused organizations, active transportation and mobility organizations, other non-profit organizations, boards of trade, business associations, academics and student organizations, industry, health authorities, Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia.
Convened by the Simon Fraser University Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, MLR stakeholders recognize that we can only move forward as a region when we work together and understand the values we each share. We acknowledge that positive growth in this region can be achieved when we improve our mobility and land-use planning processes.
LEAD convenOR
Jonathan Cote is a passionate urbanist who has dedicated his career to building better cities. Jonathan has recently finished serving two terms as the Mayor of New Westminster and has spent the past 17 years in local government.
In his role as Mayor, Jonathan has served as the Chair of the Mayors Council for regional transportation and was the Chair of Regional Planning in Metro Vancouver. Jonathan also has extensive board experience serving on the Translink Board of Director and Chairing the New Westminster Police Board. Prior to being elected Jonathan completed his Masters Degree in Urban Studies at Simon Fraser University.


PROgram manager
Jude Crasta is the Project Lead for Moving in a Livable Region. ​He is a communicator, designer, strategist, and entrepreneur who likes to work on the front lines of 'head-scratcher' projects that have larger social impact.
Jude comes from a background of leadership and support roles in various non-profit organizations. Having partnered with different levels of government, he has worked on issues relating to transportation, infrastructure, education spending, climate change, and innovation.
Jude likes to volunteer for causes focusing on empowerment of newer generations on pressing issues. He is also a licensed aviator and is interested in advancements in the fields of aeronautics and physical sciences.
Jonas helps coordinate, design, and implement a wide array of projects, from coordinating civic literacy campaigns with different stakeholders to facilitating in-community dialogues on mobility pricing across Metro Vancouver.
How can we make mobility across Metro Vancouver more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable? And, who are we building Canadian cities for? These questions and his interest in doing collaborative work relevant to communities animate his work with the MLR team.
As an urban geographer, he is interested in researching the ways public policy structures the (im)mobilities of communities in urban and rural environments. Besides work with MLR, he enjoys reading books on political ecology and feminist theory, specially as it pertains to the construction of power and space. Jonas also enjoys cycling and running in the mountains of British Columbia.

Pinzon Osorio

Fergus is the Program Coordinator for the Cities + COP26 Initiative, housed at MLR. In this role, he works to support and amplify the voices of Canadian cities in advocating for stronger multilevel climate action in Canada through dialogue, and was a part of the Centre for Dialogue's delegation at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, UK.
Both personally and professionally, Fergus is passionate about climate action, democratic renewal and international relations, and much of his work and studies have been focused on driving meaningful change in these areas.
In his spare time, Fergus enjoys playing soccer, making and listening to music, and exploring the world with his friends and family.